Petits rappels sur l'importance du choix de l'Eau dans la préparation de nos thés.

Mieux comprendre les différentes types d'Eaux minérales afin de les adapter au mieux à nos mets, Thés et autres préciosités.
La Source des analyses et observations en Anglais :
"Fine Waters"
Mineral Water’s subtle taste and terroir are determined by the minerals it contains.
The amount of minerals dissolved in water is indicated as total dissolved solids, measured in milligrams per liter (mg/l) or parts per million (ppm), which are equal.
TDS - Total Dissolved Solids in Bottled Water
A water’s TDS is normally made magup mainly of carbonates, bicarbonates, chlorides, sulfates, phosphates, nitrates, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron, manganese, and a few other minerals.
Gases, colloids, or sediment is not included in the TDS measurement.
After mouthfeel, TDS is the second most important factor in matching water with food.
The higher the mineral content, the more distinct a water’s taste can be.
Think of low TDS waters as comparable to white wines, with a clean, neutral taste and less weight;
High TDS waters are more like red wines, with a heavier, more substantial feel.
Very high TDS waters feel distinctly heavy and may have an aftertaste, much like a big, bold red wine.
Most mineral water you drink, though, probably has a medium TDS measurement and is more like a heavy white or a light red wine.
Super Low | 0 - 50mg/l |
Low | 50- 250 mg/l |
Medium | 250- 800mg/l |
High | 800 - 1.500mg/l |
Very High | 1.500mg/l & over |
Regulations regarding TDS vary throughout the world. In the United States, bottled water must contain at least 250 mg/l TDS to be labeled as mineral water. TDS above 500 mg/l qualifies a water as -low mineral content- more than 1,500 mg/l allows a - high mineral content - label.

Mont Roucous Analysis:
19 | TDS | |
6 | ph factor | |
1,20 | Calcium | |
3,20 | Chloride | |
4,90 | Hydrogeniccarbonate | |
0,20 | Magnesium | |
2,30 | Nitrate | |
0,40 | Potassium | |
6,90 | Silica | |
2,80 | Sodium | |
3,30 | Sulphates | |
milligrams per liter (mg/l) |
milligrams per liter (mg/l)
When made with a naturally soft spring water you will be getting the maximum flavour and health benefits.
Comparaison avec Les Eaux Minérales Françaises :
Volvic Analysis:
109 | TDS | |
10 | Calcium | |
8 | Chloride | |
65 | Hydrogeniccarbonate | |
6 | Magnesium | |
1 | Nitrate | |
6 | Potassium | |
30 | Silica | |
9 | Sodium | |
7 | Sulphates | |
milligrams per liter (mg/l) |
Ou encocre :
Contrex Analysis:
2125 | TDS | |
486 | Calcium | |
8,6 | Chloride | |
403 | Hydrogeniccarbonate | |
84 | Magnesium | |
2,7 | Nitrate | |
3,2 | Potassium | |
9,1 | Sodium | |
1187 | Sulphates | |
milligrams per liter (mg/l) |
La Mont Roucous ( Link Here ) jaillit du granit, pure et préservée , à 927 mètres d'altitude, dans la foret du Parc Naturel du Haut Languedoc.
Grâce à sa très faible minéralité,
la plus faible d'Europe,
La Mont Roucous peut être consommée sans restriction.
This is it!
Waters and mineral water may not seem to have the individual characteristics that distinguish wines.
But through comparison with the flavors in wine, subtle but distinct differences in water flavors become apparent, too.
But through comparison with the flavors in wine, subtle but distinct differences in water flavors become apparent, too.
This chapter will examine the components of flavor as they apply to water.
Taste, smell, and mouthfeel (a food’s tactile sensation) combine to produce flavor.
Sensory receptors in the nose and mouth report information on each of these three components to the brain, where the sensation is integrated in a highly complex process we are just beginning to understand.
Food writers often pay little attention to mouthfeel, but it is a very important property of both food and water.
The size, amount, and distribution of bubbles—or lack of them—are essential to the mouthfeel of water.

A tasting provides the best introduction to the surprising richness of epicurean experiences with water. Here are directions for conducting your own; recommend that, at the beginning, it not be conducted blind:
Water tasting should be fun more of an introduction to the differences in bottled waters than a hardcore blind tasting, which can be intimidating.
As the host, you should provide information on all the waters and let people enjoy the tactile experience of handling the bottle.

Here are a few guidelines:
- Buy as many waters as possible from each of the five FineWaters Balance categories Still, Effervescent, Light, Classic, and Bold.
- One bottle is enough for six to eight people.
- You should have at least ten waters fifteen is a better number (two to three in each category).
Within each of the categories, try to find waters with different TDS levels, sources (spring water or rainwater), or
countries or regions of origin. - Chill all the waters to about 55 degrees Fahrenheit (13°C) to nicely showcase the differences in the waters. Make sure they stay at the same temperature throughout the tasting otherwise their qualities (or the perception of them) will change.
- You will need two to three proper water glasses per person. Ideally, have each flight in the glasses at the same time.
- Start with Still and work your way through the levels up to Bold. You can swallow, but have a bucket ready for emptying glasses. Sometimes it’s fun to have pure H2O available to calibrate your palate. Le Bleu distilled water is one good choice that is widely available.
- Serve bread or crackers, but not salty food.
- Make notes if you wish, describing how the water feels (short, long, focused, wide, and so forth).

Because the waters vary significantly in mineral content, mouthfeel, and other characteristics, it will be hard to pick a best water.